Site Map
- The Faculty
- People
- Undergraduate Studies
- Courses offered in English – Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies NKUA - Winter/Spring Semester 2022-2023
- 70784, Turkish Diplomacy during the Cold War
- 70574, Greek-Orthodox Communities in Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean
- 70253 Survey of Modern Greek Geopolitics and History
- 70254 Discourse Analysis Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (CADS), Methods and Applications
- 70522, Political History in modern Turkey
- 70584 Topics of social gender in Turkey
- 70753, Political Islam in modern Turkey II: mentality and texts
- 70745, History of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
- 70251 Energy Politics and Security
- 70252 Geopolitics of the Middle East and Turkey
- Postgraduate studies
- Research Projects
- Lectures-Seminars-Conferences
- National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG)
- Web Services
- Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities