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Laboratory of Geo-cultural Analyses of Greater Middle East and Turkey


The Laboratory of Geo-cultural Analyses of Greater Middle East and Turkey of the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies of the School of Economic and Political Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens aims to accomplish significant academic, research, as well as national scientific and research objectives. It aims to:

1. Cover, on an under-graduate and post-graduate level, the educational and research needs of the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as of other Faculties of the University, in topics that fall within the activity subjects of the laboratory.  Such needs are educational, research-oriented and publishing-related, primarily in the fields of Economic Geography and Geopolitics (and more specifically of the sub-field of Geo-cultural Analysis), but also of International Relations, Diplomatic History and Intercultural Studies between Greece and countries of the Greater Middle East.

2. Cover topics that fall within the area of professional and scientific orientation of the Faculty, and also the development of educational programmes and programmes of basic or applied research in relevant subject matters.

3. Cooperate with research centres and academic institutions in Greece or abroad, provided that the scientific objectives coincide with, conform to, and/or are complementary to those of the Laboratory.

4. Organise scientific lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific activities, publications, and invite Greek and foreign scientists.

5. Provide services to individuals, according to PD 159/1984 on the “Requirements for Service Provision by University Laboratoties to Individuals and to Every Form of Organisations” (Government Gazette issue Α , no. 53).

There is no similar centre for the scientific development and research related to Middle East and Turkey, an area that is critical for Greece. Such an aim, without prejudices and stereotypes, in the academic field of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies covers a significant academic and research gap, and addresses the need for a responsible scientific dialogue with the countries of the geographical complex of the Greater Middle East and Turkey, supporting, not just the Greek academia, but also a wider socio-cultural dialogue.