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General Information

Address: Room 830, 8th floor, School of Philosophy building, Zografou campus, Athens 15703, Greece

Tel. No: +30 2107277802

Fax No: +30 2107277872

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 09.00-14.30


The library of the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies has been operating since the academic year 2003-2004. It is temporarily housed at the Linguistics Library study room (School of Philosophy, Zografou campus).



The mission of the Library is to promote, disseminate and study the literature, language, linguistics, history, culture, political institutions and economy of Turkey. Its aim is to cover all educational and research needs of the Faculty's staff members and students as well as those of affiliated researchers.


The Library currently holds 2,500 books. Its collection can be searched using the OPAC interface (electronic catalogue).


The study room of the Library is open on weekdays (Monday to Friday), from 09.00 to 14.30.

Lending policy

The Library of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies serves faculty members of the University, teaching staff, students and all the staff members of the University of Athens.

Borrowing rights: Teaching staff (15 days, up to 5 books), students (10 days, up to 5 books), as well as all the staff members of the School of Philosophy. All other users may borrow material, as long as they return it within the working day and produce a valid document of identification.

Borrowing of books is possible only upon presentation of a valid student ID card. The librarian will retain the ID card, and note the student's telephone number, keeping note also of the borrowing and return date (s) of the book(s) in question.


Users must return the books borrowed at the predefined date. In case of delay the user's right to borrow items is suspended for one month.

For further information about the Library of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies, please contact Mrs Ifigeneia Georgakopoulou, ifigeorgak[at]turkmas.uoa[dot]gr.

 Other services

Library computer centre