70093 Summarisation Techniques
Eleni Sella
3 hours per week
Course Objectives
The aim of this course is to develop the analytic and synthetic abilities of the students by means of text summarisation. It is a valuable exercise especially for future translators.
Course Structure
(a) Comprehension: observing and choosing
(b) Writing: summary as a stylistic exercise. The first contact with a text: The main idea, keywords, connectors, cohesion of the meanings in the summary, difficulties in text comprehension. Particularities of the texts to be summarised: rephrased text, the presence of examples, direct and indirect speech, listing, disambiguation of unclear parts of the original text. Long texts. How much to reduce the original text and the self-efficient summary. Concise discourse in summaries. From concrete to abstract thought: the structure of the original text.
Final written examination