English » 70092 Β Turkish language VΙΙ: Specialized translation. Translation of technical texts

70092 Β Turkish language VΙΙ: Specialised translation. Translation of technical texts

Mavropoulou Maria



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

In the Technical Translation course, students deal with texts containing specialised terminology, e.g. military, architectural, archeology, and legal terms. Moreover, students translate standardised documents such as lease contracts, driving licenses, birth certificates, as well as samples of notary acts such as authorisations.

Students are familiarised with the terms, the organization and the syntax of specialized texts. Obviously, the subject cannot be fully covered during a single semester. However, students get in contact with the expressive means of legal texts and with everyday documents.

The aim of the course is for future translators to realize the difficulty of translating technical texts and to draw their attention on the patience and perseverance that are required for the correct rendering of such texts. Moreover, they get in touch with texts containing various technical terms. Considering that translation is a professional option for the students of our Faculty, we believe that this course offers the fundamental knowledge of texts which Turkish speaking translators deal with.


Course Structure

Every week students will be given a text to translate and bring to class after 15 days. The text will be corrected by the Lecturer and mistakes will be analyzed in class; alternative translations as well as the text will be discussed.

Also, every week there will be an in-class translation of an unknown text. The text will be discussed in terms of terminology and how it is rendered, commenting on the legislation differences between the two states. For instance, texts from courts, or education will be discussed, so that the corresponding terms are found when translating into Greek.

Furthermore, one month before the end of the semester students will be asked to deliver a demanding 3-page translation, which will be specified by the Lecturer at the beginning of the semester.

Texts are renewed every semester.



Final written examination of an unknown text. The use of a dictionary is allowed.

The percentage of the weekly assignments and the final written assignment are added to the grade of the final exam (a minimum grade of 5 in the final exam is required).



Photocopied texts that contain special terminology (especially books but also specialised magazines and newspapers).

Türkçe Sözlük, TDK, Ankara

Püsküllüoğlu, Ali, Türkçe Sözlük. YKY, İstanbul