English » 70092 Α Turkish language VΙΙΙ - Translation of political/social and economic texts ΙΙ

70092 Α Turkish language VΙΙΙ - Translation of political/social and economic texts ΙΙ

Mavropoulou Maria



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The course is the continuation of the course 70091 Β 'Turkish Language VΙΙ: Translation of political/social and economic texts Ι' of the 7th semester.

The texts used are excerpts of books and articles that treat relevant subjects. The texts are of high difficulty and are analyzed according to their meaning, and their morphological, syntactic, stylistic and pragmatic aspects. Moreover, this course teaches the respective terminology of political, social and economic texts in Turkish, as well as the potential problems of cohesion and comprehensiveness of these texts. Sentences in Turkish texts can be quite long and subordinate clauses linked with diverse ways, which can prove to be an puzzle for the translator.

Therefore, the aim of this course is to train students to decode political/social and economic texts and to develop the skill of translating, helping future translators to transfer the text correctly from the source-language to the target-language.


Course Structure

Every second week students prepare a translation of a text. The translation will be revised in class and every sentence will be analysed syntactically and lexically, while different translation suggestions will be discussed.

Students will also be asked to translate a longer text, 3-4 pages long, which will be given to them at the beginning of the semester and must be translated by its end. The translation of this text is a more difficult tasks than the usual assignment and will be the main essay of the course.

Moreover, the lecturer gives texts to be translated without prior preparation, so that the progress of the performance and the ability of each students can be tested.

Texts are renewed every semester.



Final written examination on an unknown text (50%). The use of a Turkish-Greek dictionary is allowed.

The grades of the assignments and the essay are added to the final note (a minimum grade of 5 in the final examination is required).



Μπατσαλιά, Φρειδερίκη / Σελλά-Μάζη Ελένη, Γλωσσολογική προσέγγιση στη Θεωρία και τη Διδακτική της Μετάφρασης, Αθήνα, 2010 [1997]

Μπατσαλιά, Φρειδερίκη, Περί μεταφράσεως - Σύγχρονες προσεγγίσεις, Αθήνα, 2001

Eco, Umberto, Εμπειρίες μετάφρασης – Λέγοντας σχεδόν το ίδιο, Αθήνα, 2003

Μounin, Georges, Oι Ωραίες Άπιστες, Αθήνα 2003

Durak, Mustafa, Kuramsal ve Uygulamalı Çeviri Sorunları, Bursa, 2001