English » 70091 C Turkish Language VΙΙ: Translation of general texts

70091 C Turkish Language VΙΙ: Translation of general texts


Mavropoulou Maria


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

During this semester, students start to systematically translate from Turkish (source-language) to Greek (target-language). The aim is to translate into Greek texts of a general interest (magazines, newspapers, literary excerpts) producing fully understandable texts in Greek.

In order to achieve this goal, vernacularisms, idioms, expressions, sayings, proverbs and various styles are analysed. Moreover, specific historic, political and social circumstances are examined, alongside the mores, traditions and everyday life aspects of Turkey, so that every text can be analysed within the context that inspired its writer.

The aim of the course is to teach students the techniques of translation from Turkish, which presents a special interest and many difficulties, since the Turkish language is agglutinative, and therefore syntactically completely different from Greek or Indo-european languages. The goal is also for students to understand the method that will help them "solve the enigma" of the Turkish syntax and its long sentences, so that they can become efficient translators.


Course Structure

Every week students present in class the translation of a text (the same for every student), which has been given to them 15 days in advance. The translations are corrected, mistakes are categorised and examined in class and different translations are discussed. Sometimes the translation of the text will be done in the classroom, without any preparation, so that the students’ efficiency can be tested.

Moreover, students will be asked to translate a longer text, on average 6-8 pages long, which will be given to them at the beginning of the semester and which must be delivered by mid-December. The translation of this text is more difficult than texts treated in class and it is the main assignment of the semester. Every student has a different text, which is usually an excerpt from the same book.

Therefore, when all students deliver their translations, a whole book will be translated; the translation will be submitted to the library of the Faculty or used as support material for literature etc.

Texts are renewed every semester.



Final written examination of an unknown text. The use of a Turkish-Greek dictionary is allowed.

Weekly translations, as well as the written assignment, count for the final note of the student. A minimum grade of 5 in the final examination is required.



Photocopies of various texts to be translated.

Μπατσαλιά, Φ. Γλωσσολογική Προσέγγιση στη Θεωρία και τη Διδακτική της Μετάφρασης, Εκδόσεις Κατάρτι. Αθήνα, 2008.

Γκαζί, Μουσταφά Κεμάλ, ΝΟΥΤΟΥΚ, Ο Μέγας Ρητορικός (Δύο Τόμοι). (Μετάφραση: Μ. Μαυροπούλου) Εκδόσεις GEOLAB/Παπαζήση. Αθήνα, 2009

The above books are proposed as support material. The first book deals with the Theory of Translation, while the second one offers an example in Practice.