English » 70090 EN-EL Translation of Economic, Legal and Political Texts

70090 EN-EL Translation of Economic, Legal and Political Texts


Ioannis E. Saridakis 

Assistant Professor


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The course is offered in both directions of the programme of studies. Its aim is to introduce issues in translating economic, legal and political texts from English, as a major language of international use, into Greek, the students' main working language. Based on the applied and mainly laboratory character of the course, it is also a target to (i) systematise the translation problems based on level of language, (ii) to address methodological issues encountered during the translation act, (iii) show overlaps with other areas in the Humanities that are offered in the programme of studies, and (iv) to consolidate and practically apply the knowledge acquired by students in the “Theory and Practice of Translation” course.



Students are expected to deliver compulsory projects (individual or teamwork). All projects are expected to be defended in public at the end of the semester. Details are published on the course (e-class) web page.