70089 International Diplomacy and Deterrence Policies
Ilias Iliopoulos
Teaching Staff, PD 407/8
3 hours per week
Course Objectives
The examination of the structures, constants, variables and functions of International Diplomacy, as well as of the specialised field of Deterrence Policies, forms part of the field of Political Science, with fertile influences from the disciplines of Diplomatic History and Geopolitics/Geostrategy.
This course covers the discipline of International Diplomacy and the historical analysis of Appeasement Policies as applied on an international level and in a specific historical frame and geopolitical/geostrategical environment, including Regional Analysis.
Course Structure
1. International Diplomacy, Power and the Theoretical-Philosophical of Deterrence Policies
2. International Crises and Coercion Policies
3. Case Study: the classic Deterrence Policy of the Bipolar era
4. Study of the classic Deterrence Policy, focusing on the Anglo-Saxon School of Geopolitics and the status of the USA as an International Naval Power
5. Regional Analysis/Near East
6. Regional Analysis/Middle East/Western Asia
7. Regional Analysis/East Mediterranean
8. Regional Analysis/East Mediterranean-Far Asia
9. Regional Analysis/Russian Eurasia
10. Regional Analysis/Far Asia
11. Regional Analysis: Searching for a Deterrence Policy of Turkey in Panagiotis Kondylis
13. Conclusions
Written final examination. Optional written assignment (50%)
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