English » 70083 International Diplomacy and Appeasement Policies

70083 International Diplomacy and Appeasement Policies

Ilias Iliopoulos

Teaching Staff PD 407/80


3 hours per week

Course Objectives

The examination of the structures, constants, variables and functions of International Diplomacy, as well as of the specialised field of Appeasement Policies, forms part of the field of Political Science, with fertile influences from the disciplines of Diplomatic History and Geopolitics/Geostrategy.

This course covers the discipline of International Diplomacy and the historical analysis of Appeasement Policies as applied on an international level and in a specific historical frame and geopolitical/geostrategical environment, including Regional Analysis.

Course Structure

  1. Introduction to the Fundamental Notions of International Diplomacy and Politics
  2. The Relationship between Power and Diplomacy
  3. Diplomacy: Birth and evolution
  4. International Diplomacy and International Crises
  5. Strategies for Crisis Management
  6. International Diplomacy and Regional Analysis
  7. International Diplomacy, Appeasement Policies and the Issue of Rationalising International Actors
  8. The Geocultural and Historical Dimension of International Diplomacy. Cultural Commitment and Identity
  9. Traditional Appeasement Policy
  10. The Diversity of International Diplomacy and Multi-causal Interpretation of Politics of Appeasement: Case Studies and Regional Analysis
  11. The Case of the “Ideal of the East” and the “Greek-Ottoman Friendship”
  12. The Case of the “Greek-Turkish Friendship” in the 1930s
  13. Conclusions


Final written examination. Optional written assignment (50%)


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