70082 - Topics of Greek and Turkish Historiography
Aimilia Themopoulou
Associate Professor
3 hours per week
Course Objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the evolution of historiography in Greece and Turkey.
Course Structure
In this course we examine:
the formation of the historiography currents in the 19th century in Greece
the evolution of European historiography and its influence on the Greek historiography of the 19th century
the evolution of the historiography in 20th century Greece.
the Greek historiography referred to the Ottoman period, more specifically the image of the Ottoman past in Greek historiography of the 20th century, the creation of stereotypes, and its evolution after 2000
the perception of the image of the Ottoman Empire in the contemporary Greek Historiography
the formation of the Turkish historiography in the 1920s and 1930s
the perception of the image of the Ottoman Empire in the Turkish historiography in the period after the creation of the modern Turkish state
the evolution of the contemporary Turkish historiography
the perception of the image of the Ottoman Empire in the contemporary Turkish Historiography
the history of the Ottoman Empire as presented comparatively in the contemporary Greek and Turkish Historiography
Written assignment (25% of the total grade), final written examination (75% of the total grade).
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