English » 70081 Entrepreneurship

70081 Entrepreneurship


Basdekis Charalampos

University Professor (PD 407/80)

3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The initial goal of the course is to provide students with the suitable tools and abilities in order to realize the way the entrepreneurial environment works in Greece, which are the requirements for the foundation of a business and indicate the way of the entrepreneurship's vitality. Furthermore, in the context of this course, the difficulties of such an effort are thoroughly analyzed, presenting how such difficulties can they be efficiently tackled, by focusing on the significance of the entrepreneurship in economic development. Finally, the innovation of this course is the teaching of the business strategy and creation and of business plan and mainly the virtual foundation of a company, following all the necessary steps of a business plan.


Course Structure

Entrepreneurship aims to educate, guide and support individuals who desire to undertake new innovative business initiatives.

Some of the expected activities during the courses are the following:

A series of courses which focuses on entrepreneurship.

In the first subject area of the course, students will learn the definition of entrepreneurship, its advantages and drawbacks. Moreover they will learn the contribution of entrepreneurship in the economy and society as a whole and the uncertainties derived from the real economy.

Finally in the context of this area, students will deal with the terms and issues of innovation, entrepreneurial opportunity and entrepreneurial advantage.

In the second subject area of the course, there will be analyzed the personal traits of entrepreneurs and the factors (social, geographic, cultural etc) which influence the development of entrepreneurship.

In the third subject area of the course, students will learn all the necessary steps for the creation of a new entrepreneurial activity, the legal form of entities, the reasons of entrepreneurial success or failure, the importance of the business plan and all the necessary steps for its creation.

Finally in the fourth subject area of the course, students will learn the essence of financial and accounting data and the way of financing a firm. Moreover, issues such as the marketing mix and its influencing factors will be analysed.



50% of the final grade is the grade of written exams and 50% is the creation of a business plan for a company that belongs to a sector of the student's interest.



Π. Ε. Πετράκης, Η Επιχειρηματικότητα, Αθήνα, 2007, 'Εκδ. Π.Ε. Πετράκης.

Π. Μουρδουκούτας, Σ. Παπαδημητρίου, Α. Ιωαννίδης Επιχειρηματικότητα: Θεσμοί και Πολιτικές, 2004, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος.