70080 New Technologies and Translation II
Ioannis E. Saridakis
Assistant Professor
3 hours per week
Course Objectives
The course is offered in both specialisation routes of the programme of studies. It aims to enhance and, principally, to practically apply the knowledge developed when presenting the first part of the course and to fully understand the requirements for developing translation-specific information infrastructures, with a practical and research outcome in the translation environments. More specifically, the course aims to disengage students from specific technological platforms and to gradually initiate them in the research and methodologically and technologically productive activities of the translation environments.
Course Structure
The course modules are:
1. Methodology and basic information management technologies in the translation environment.
2. Principles and technologies of translation project management systems.
3. Interfacing and interoperability of the said technologies and systems with Computational Linguistics applications, and with tools for corpora management and analysis, for retrieving textual information (mainly, lexical and semantic).
4. Following the course deployment in (preceding) Module I, basic principles of interoperability for CAT applications and mixed informational/operating environments (Windows, Linux, MacOS).
Courses are taught in the Faculty's Computer lab, using indicative CAT applications. This course builds on a prior cognitive basis of main IT systems and technologies.
Students are expected to deliver compulsory projects (individual or teamwork). All projects are expected to be defended in public at the end of the semester. Details are published on the course (e-class) web page.
Bowker, L. (2002). Computer-Aided Translation Technology: A Practical Introduction. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Quah, C.K. (2006). Translation and Technology. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Somers, H. (ed) (2003). Computers and Translation. A Translator's Guide. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Σαριδάκης, Ι.Ε. (2013). Ειδική Μετάφραση και Μεταφραστική Τεχνολογία. Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.
Τζεβελέκου, Μ., Σταύρου, Μ. (2001). Η Μηχανική Μετάφραση και η Ελληνική Γλώσσα. Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης, ΙΕΛ.