English » 70066 Political-economic and Mystical Islam in Contemporary Turkey

70066 Political-economic and Mystical Islam in Contemporary Turkey


Ioannis Th. Mazis



Kyriakos Th. Nikolaou-Patragas

University Teacher (PD 407/80)

Course Objectives

The course aims to show the transformation of Islam, by the people, by penetrating into the core of the various “national” instantiations and by various cultural elements, which are otherwise strictly prohibited by Islamic orthodoxy, such elements being e.g. loans from the Hellenic–Roman and Persian world. In this sense, the course examines the transformation of Sufism into an order–like organisation, its peculiarities, its concurrence with Freemasonry and Western mysticism, the activity of Orders during the Ottoman period and the post–Ozal political reality in Turkey, leading to its revival.


Course Structure

1. On mysticism, in general

2. From Pythagoras to Plotinus

3. Medieval European mysticism and its interaction with Eastern mysticism

4. Mysticism in Arabia

5. The formation of Sufism

6. Particularities of Sufism

7. The Tarikat and Freemasonry

8. The structure of the Tarikat: Comparative approach to monasticism

9. The Tarikat as a political factor in the Ottoman empire

10. The Tarikat and the enslaved Hellenism

11. The dissolution of the Tarikat

12. The post–Ozal revival of the Tarikat

13. Muslim Brothers: A new proposal for a political radical and para–military revival of the institution.



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