English » 70064 Text genres in Turkish

70064 Text genres in Turkish


Mavropoulou Maria



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

When communicating, the knowledge of the morphology and the syntax of a language alongside a rich vocabulary are not enough; one has to know the sentence construction, the particular syntactic/morphological structure and the specific vocabulary/terminology of each text genre.

In order for someone to formulate a scientific work, an article in the published or electronic media, a speech, a presentation, an advertisement, an announcement, an application, an interview, a CV etc., one has to know how to construct these texts and which rules to follow.

The aim of this course is for students to be able to recognize the genres of texts in Turkish, to understand the norms and the specific lexical collocations of these texts. Also, students learn and consolidate the specific vocabulary/terminology that is used in diverse text genres.

Given that during the last years Turkey has become a potential market for work for our graduates and that their stay in Turkey aims at improving their use of the language, we believe that this course offers students the extra knowledge they need, and that it helps them in their everyday life and professional career.


Course Structure

The course includes the following units, which are enriched according to the students’ interests:

1- Letters (Informal, formal, literary, official correspondence etc)

2- Recommendation letter, CV

3- Applications, announcements, decisions (meetings, councils etc), advertisements

4- Literary genres (short stories, novellas, novels, travelogue etc)



Written assignments (collection and processing of texts) and final examination (a minimum grade of 5 in the final examination is required).



1- Various texts and extracts.

2- Korkmaz, Zeynep-Parlatır, İsmail-Ercilasun, Ahmet vd, Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon. Ekin Yayınları, Ankara, 2005

3- Özdemir, Emin, Anlatım Sanatı, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2003 (12)

4- Öner, Sakin, Örneklerle Kompozisyon. Düzenli yazma ve konuşma sanatı. Yuva Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005

5- Beaugrande (de) R. A., Dressler, W.U., Introduction to Text Linguistics. London/New York, Longman, 1981