English » 70063 Theory and Practice of Translation

70063 Theory and Practice of Translation

Eleni Sella



Ioannis E. Saridakis

Assistant Professor


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to present the nature of Translation, relying on various theoretical premises, and the practice of translation, as a social inter-linguistic phenomenon. The course includes reference to and analysis of the historical development of the field of translation studies, of the basic tenets and translation models and practices, by focusing in particular on modern translation studies. The principal orientation is to familiarise the trainees with the role of translation as a cross-cultural phenomenon in the modern globalised environment and with the effect of new information technologies on translaiton practice and research. Particular areas examined are: Linguistics and translation, translation models, translation methodology, translation process, translation as an act of cross-cultural communication, translation and stylistics, translation aids in translation theory and practice.


Course Structure

1. Theoretical premises. Review of Translation Theory. Translation in the world. Philosophy of Language and Translation. Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ferdinand de Saussure.

2. Relations between Linguistics and Translation (indicatively: R. Jakobson, G. Mounin. J.C. Catford, J.-R. Ladmiral, E. Nida & C. Taber, A. Martinet). The notion of equivalence.

3. The notion of translation unit: the comparative approach and the work of J.P. Vinay and J. Darbelnet.

4. Translation and Discourse Analysis and the Interpretative theory of D. Seleskovitch and M. Lederer.

5. Mechanisms of the translation act – models of translation process. Translating literary and pragmatic texts. P. Newmark's theory of translating.

6. The phases of the process of translating and the analytical approach of J. Delisle. The mechanism of the translation act of C. Tatilon.

7. Translation and cross-linguistic communication. Aspects of pragmatics and translation. Indicatively, the Skopos Theory and German functionalism.

8. Sociolinguistic aspects of translation. Style and register in the theory and practice of translation. The model of B. Hatim and I. Mason. The situational factors (M.A.K. Halliday) and their contribution to the translation process, the target text and the comparative analysis of translations.

9. Translation universals (M. Baker), norms and probabilistic laws of translational behaviour.

10. Polysystem theory. Descriptive and Systemic Translation Studies. Itamar Even-Zohar, Gideon Toury, and the “Sociology of Texts”.

11. Translation aids, translation technology and the new habitus of translating. The influence of Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics on the practice and the theoretical approaches to Translation.

12. Translation and Globalisation. The translator's role as communicator/mediator in the modern political, social and cultural environment.

13. Translation and Interpreting in multi-lingual, political and economic, environments (UN, EU, NATO).



Written examination (100% the overall mark)




Holmes, J.S. (1972 [2010]). Το Όνομα και η Φύση των Μεταφραστικών Σπουδών. Εισαγωγικά Σχόλια και Μετάφραση: Γ. Κωστοπούλου. Dictio (Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα 2008-2009. Τ.Ξ.Γ.Μ.Δ. Κέρκυρα: Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο). 3(2010), 83-107.

Munday, J. (2002). Μεταφραστικές Σπουδές. Θεωρίες και Εφαρμογές. μτφση: Α. Φιλιππάτος. Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.

Γούτσος, Δ. (2001) (επιμέλεια, μετάφραση). Ο Λόγος της Μετάφρασης. Ανθολόγιο Σύγχρονων Μεταφραστικών Θεωριών. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα.

Κεντρωτής, Γ. (1996). Θεωρία και Πράξη της Μετάφρασης. Αθήνα: Δίαυλος.

Μπατσαλιά, Φ., Σελλά-Μάζη, Ε. (2010). Γλωσσολογική προσέγγιση στη θεωρία και τη διδακτική της Μετάφρασης. 2η έκδοση. Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.

Σαριδάκης, Ι.Ε. (2010). Σώματα Κειμένων και Μετάφραση. Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές. Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.



Baker, M. (2011). In Other Words. 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

Baker, M., Saldanha, G. (eds) (2009). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bell, R.T. (1991). Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London: Longman.

Catford, J.C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. An Essay in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: OUP.

Chesterman, A. (1997). Memes of Translation. The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Davis, K. (2001). Deconstruction and Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome.

Delisle, J. (1984). L'Analyse du Discours Comme Méthode de Traduction. Théorie et Pratique. Ottawa: Éditions de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Delisle, J., Lee-Jahnke, H., Cormier, M. (2008). Ορολογία της Μετάφρασης. Μτφση: Γεώργιος Φλώρος. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Μεσόγειος.

Eco, U. (2003). Εμπειρίες Μετάφρασης. Λέγοντας σχεδόν το ίδιο. Mτφση: Έφη Καλλιφατίδη. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα.

Even-Zohar, I. (2005). Laws of Cultural Interference. In: idem. Papers in Culture Research [http://www.tau.ac.il/~itamarez/works/papers/papers/laws-of-cultural-interference.pdf - 5.8.2011].

Gambier, Y. Doorslaer, L. van (eds) (2010). Handbook of Translation Studies Vol. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Gentzler, E. (2001). Contemporary Translation Theories. London: Multilingual Matters.

Gouadec, D. (2007). Translation as a Profession. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Guidère M. (2010). Introduction à la Traductologie. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.

Halliday, M.A.K. (1978). Language as Social Semiotic. London: Arnold.

Hatim, B., Mason, I. (1990). Discourse and the Translator. London: Longman.

Hatim, B., Mason, I. (1997). The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge.

Hermans, Th. (1999). Translation in Systems. Descriptive and System-oriented Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome.

Hickey Leo (ed) (1998). The Pragmatics of Translation. London: Multilingual Matters.

House J., Blum-Kulka S. (eds) (1986). Interlingual and Intercultural Communication. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.

Humboldt, W. von (1836). Über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues. Berlin: Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Koller, W. (1997/1992). Einführung in der Übersetzungswissenschaft. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer.

Ladmiral, J.-R. (2007). Θεωρήματα για τη Μετάφραση. Μτφση: Κατερίνα Κολλέτ, Μαρία-Χριστίνα Αναστασιάδη. Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.

Lederer, M. (1994). La Traduction Aujourd'hui. Paris: Hachette.

Levý, J. (2011). The Art of Translation. Translated and edited by Patrick Corness. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Malmkjær, K. (2005). Linguistics and the Language of Translation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Malmkjær, K., Windle, K. (eds) (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford: OUP.

Malone, J. (1988). The Science of Linguistics in the Art of Translation: Some Tools From Linguistics for the Analysis and Practice of Translation. N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

Mounin, G. (1963). Les Problèmes Théoriques de la Traduction. Paris: Gallimard.

Mounin, G. (2002). Οι Ωραίες Άπιστες. Μτφση: ΔΠΜΣ Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.

Neubert, A., Shreve, G. (1992). Translation as Text. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press.

Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall.

Newmark, P. (1991). About Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Nida, E, Taber, C.R. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Nida, E. (1964). Toward a Science of Translating. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Nord, C. (1997). Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Manchester: St. Jerome.

O'Hagan, M. (1996). The Coming Industry of Teletranslation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Olohan, M. (ed) (2000). Intercultural Faultlines. Manchester: St. Jerome.

Pym, A. (2004). The Moving Text. Translation, Localization and Distribution. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pym, A. (2010). Exploring Translation Theories. London: Routledge.

Pym, A., Shlesinger, M., Simeoni, D. (eds) (2008). Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies. Investigations in Homage to Gideon Toury. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Reiss, K., Vermeer, H. (1984). Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie. Tübingen: Niemeyer.

Robinson, D. (2003). Becoming a Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation. Second Edition. London: Routledge.

Sager, J.C. (1994). Language Engineering and Translation. Consequences of Automation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Saussure, F. de (1979). Μαθήματα Γενικής Γλωσσολογίας. Μτφση: Φ.Δ. Αποστολόπουλος. Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.

Seleskovitch, D., Lederer, M. (1984). Interpréter pour Traduire. Paris: Didier.

Snell-Hornby, M. (1988). Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Tatilon, C. (1986). Traduire. Pour une Pédagogie de la Traduction. Toronto: Éditions du GREF.

Toury, G. (1995). Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Venuti, L. (ed) (2004). The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

Vinay, J.P., Darbelnet, J. (1977). Stylistique Comparée du Français et de l'Anglais. Paris: Didier.

Wilss, W. (1982). The Science of Translation. Problems and Methods. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.