English » 70057 Economic History of the Ottoman Empire

70057 - Economic History of the Ottoman Empire


Aimilia Themopoulou

Associate Professor


3 hours per week

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is the study of principal economic sectors of the Ottoman state from the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century.


Course Structure

This course examines the principal economic sectors of the Ottoman Empire. Special emphasis is on:

  • trade and the important developments of Ottoman-European relations in the 19th century;

  • trade with Austria, Great Britain, France and the South-Eastern European regions;

  • the influence of the 1838 Treaty of Trade between Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire on the Western economic penetration into the Ottoman market;

  • the influence of the international political and economic conjuncture, Crimean War (1853-1856) in the evolution of the Ottoman economy;

  • the transformation of land ownership by the application of private property and the Western economic penetration in the important urban centers of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, Smyrna and Thessaloniki;

  • the social transformations observed in port cities;

  • the influence of Western sociability;

  • the attempts towards urbanisation by restructuring the urban space of the port cities.



Written assignment (25% of the total grade), final written examination (75% of the total grade).



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