English » 70053 Turkish Literature II: Contemporary currents

70053 Turkish Literature II: Contemporary currents


Katerina Pavlopoulou

University Teacher (PD 407/80)


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

'Turkish Literature II: Contemporary currents' is a compulsory course for students who have chosen the Turkish Language, Literature and Translation Specialisation. Since, the course aims to cover a long period (1950-2000), it is not possible to provide an advanced and detailed knowledge of the field in one term. It aims at providing substantial general knowledge of literary currents and focuses on representative writers of the aforementioned currents in Turkish Literature, during the second half of the 20th century.


Course Structure

The course content includes literary theory, and presentation of various works of major writers, read, translated and analysed in a socio-political context. Topics such as the Turkish avant-garde (Ikinci Yeni), social realism and the Köy Edebiyatı, Mizah, 12 Mart Romanı, Post-Modernism and Metafiction, gender, Minority Literature, Science Fiction are examined through readings, discussions and supplementary film screenings.



Essay and presentation (50%), final written examination (50%).

Essay subjects are assigned by the lecturer. The essays must be 3,000 words long (+/-10%).



Abrams M. H., Λεξικό Λογοτεχνικών Όρων, (A glossary of Literary Terms) Εκδόσεις Πατάκη, 2009

Ecevit Yıldız, Orhan Pamuk’u Okumak, Kafası Karışmış okur ve Modern Roman, İletişim, 1996

Fuery Patrick and Mansfield Nick, From Interpretation to Interaction, Deconstruction, the Death of the Author, and Intertextuality in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.p. 56-70

Moran Berna, Türk romanına eleştirel bir bakış cilt 2,3, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul

Yalçın Alemdar, Siyasal ve sosyal değişmeler açısından Cumhuriyet Dönemi Çağdaş Türk Romanı 1946-2000, Akçağ, Ankara 2005