English » 70045 Greek-Turkish relations

70045 Greek-Turkish Relations


Anthony Deriziotis



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

Since 1923, there is a continuous friction between Greece and Turkey that has on many occasions led to tension and has erupted in bilateral crises, such as the 1963 and 1974 crises in Cyprus, and the 1976, 1987 and 1996 crises in the Aegean Sea. This points of reference used in this course are the causes and consequences, and the external factors that affect and are affected by it. The students are directed towards two targets: On the one hand, they are introduced to the basic framework of the Greek-Turkish relations from 1923 onwards. On the other, they study the Greek-Turkish issues focusing on their birth and evolution, through the prism of their respective national policies and the International Law, that largely form the parameters of the contemporary Greek-Turkish relations.


Course Structure

1. The Lausanne Treaty

The events that led to the signing of the Lausanne Treaty and the delineation of the Greek-Turkish borders in 1923.

2. The Greek population of Istanbul.

This subject area focuses on the status of the Greek population in Istanbul that - together with the Greek population of Imvros and Tenedos islands and the Muslim population of Thrace - were excluded from the 1923 exchange. The students will be introduced to:

i) The établis question

ii) The non-exchangeable Greeks, absent from Istanbul

iii) The Ankara agreement

iv) Cultural and educational institutions of the Greek-orthodox minority

v) The new Civil code and its consequences on the Greek minority

vi) The Varlık tax

vii) The anti-Greek riots of 1955

viii) The expulsion of the Hellenes of Istanbul

3. The Cyprus issue

This subject area introduces students to the Cyprus issue, from years of the British colony and the London-Zurich agreements of 1960, to the events of the second half of the 20th century that led to the division of the island.

4. Contemporary issues between Greece and Turkey

Territorial waters, continental shelf, airspace, search and rescue, EEZ and FIR. There are several disputes between the two neighbouring states, that have more than once soured their relations. Students are encouraged to identify the causes and consequences of the Greek-Turkish crises from 1974 until today.

5. The Helsinki summit and the Greek-Turkish rapprochement

The prelude to the 1999 Helsinki summit and the decisions that affected Greek-Turkish relations are the point of reference of this subject area. Students are asked to identify the reasons that led to the rapprochement, the positive results and the causes of the failure of the Helsinki spirit.

6. The bilateral relations today

A review of Greek-Turkish relations today



Essay (20%), mid-term test (20%), group presentation (10%) final written examination (50%).




Alexandris, A., The Greek minority of Istanbul and Greek-Turkish relations 1918-1974, (Athens: Centre for Asian Minor Studies, 1992)

Aydin, M., and Yfantis, K., (eds) Turkish-Greek relations: the security dilemma in the Aegean, (London: Routledge, 2004)

Βερέμης, Θ., Ιστορία των ελληνοτουρκικών σχέσεων 1453-2005, (Αθήνα: Ι.Σιδέρης, 2005).

Hale, W., Turkish foreign policy, 1774-2000, (London: Frank Cass, 2000)

Ηρακλείδης, Α., Άσπονδοι γείτονες, (Αθήνα: Ι.Σιδέρης, 2007)