English » 70041 Islamic Law Institutions

70041 Islamic Law Institutions


Kyriakos Th. Nikolaou-Patragas

University Teacher (PD 407/80)

Course Objectives

The course aims to examine the legal instantiations, as institutionalised by Islam. Effort is being put on presenting these in their entirety, while focusing in particular on interpersonal relations across the Islamic world (and in Greece, with regard to the Muslim minority of Thrace), as well as on the penal law applicable in the countries of the Gulf, in Afghanistan, in Sudan, in Pakistan, in Iran, etc.

Course Structure

1. The concept of ownership

2. Forms of property

3. Usucaption and right of preference

4. The law of the vakifs

5. General principles of contract law I

6. General principles of contract law II

7. The action of selling

8. Loans and other forms of contracts

9. Marriage and divorce

10. Hereditary relations

11. The distinction of crimes

12. Individual crimes

13. Procedural principles



Ανδρούσης Αναστασίου (Γιαννουλάτου, ήδη Τιράνων), Ισλάμ, Θρησκειολογική επισκόπησις, εν Αθήναις, Ι975.

Νικολάου Ι. Πανταζόπουλου, Ρωμαϊκόν δίκαιον τα. Γ΄, εν Θεσσαλονίκη-Αθήναις, Ι979.

Νικόλαος Μοσχοβάκης, Το εν Ελλάδι δημόσιον δίκαιον επί τουρκοκρατίας, εν Αθήναις, Ι882.

Α. Ζ. Καλλικλής, Το οθωμανικόν δίκαιον εν Ελλάδι, εν Αθήναις, Ι93Ι.

Αγλαΐας Τρωιάνου-Λούλα, Έγκλημα και μεταφυσική, εν Αθήναις-Κομοτηνή, 2003.