English » 70039 Law Institutions in Pre-Islamic Arabia

70039 Law Institutions in Pre-Islamic Arabia


Kyriakos Th. Nikolaou-Patragas

University Teacher (PD 407/80)

Course Objectives

The course presents the geography and the time-frame of the legal situation before the appearance of the Prophet. Also, the breakthroughs brought about by Islam are outlined. The significance of the course lies in the certainty that the understanding of Islam presupposes a thorough knowledge of the Pre-Islamic legal practice and behaviour, many aspects of which ultimately penetrated into the core of Islam, by means of either an explicit clause in Quran, or of the Prophet's Sunna.

Course Structure

1. The particularity of Arabia and its specific aspects

2. The governance of the kingdoms of the South

3. The governance of the kingdoms of the North

4. The particularities of Mecca

5. Public law in general

6. The resolution of disputes through arbitration

7. Procedural issues

8. Penal law

9. The execution of sentences

10. Marriage and divorce

11. Hereditary succession

12. Types of contracts I

13. Types of contracts II



Χασάν Μπάνταουη, Εισαγωγή στην ιστορία του ισλαμικού κόσμου, τ. Β Ι, εν Θεσσαλονίκη 2011.

Αικατερίνης Χριστοφιλοπούλου, Βυζαντινή Ιστορία, τ. Β Ι, εν Θεσσαλονίκη 1993.

Μαξίμ Ροντενσόν, Μωάμεθ, (ΠΕΚ) 2008.

Καλλιόπης (Κέλλυς) Μπουρδάρα, Καθοσίωσις και τυραννίς κατά τους μέσους βυζαντινούς χρόνους, εν Αθήναις, Κομοτηνή 1981.