English » 70036 Introduction to Computer Science ΙΙ

70036 Introduction to Computer Science ΙΙ

Dimitris Charlaftis


2 hours per week

The course takes place in the the Informatics and Multimedia Laboratory.


1. Course Objectives

In this course, the basic principles taught during the (previous) course "Introduction to Computer Science I" (1st Semester) are adopted, so as to give students the opportunity to use the various types of software that will be useful to them during their studies.

2. Course Structure

The course is divided into two parts. The first part includes  teaching of the LibreOffice Impress application (open source presentation suite). The second part includes teaching of LibreOffice Calc (spreadsheet application) as well as of some techniques of static web page development.

3. Sections

Section 1

  • LibreOffice  Presentations - Impress (1st part)

Section 2

  • LibreOffice  Presentations - Impress (2nd part)

Section 3

  • LibreOffice  Presentations - Impress (3rd part) 

Section 4

  • Exercises of LibreOffice  Presentations - Impress (1st  part)

Section 5

  • LibreOffice Spreadsheets - Calc (1st part)

Section 6

  • LibreOffice Spreadsheets - Calc (2nd part)

Section 7

  • LibreOffice Spreadsheets - Calc (3rd part)

Section 8

  • Webpage development (1st part)

Section 9

  • Webpage development  (2nd part)



Two written examinations (50% each).

Laboratory Infrastructure

The Informatics and Multimedia Laboratory, holding twenty (20) workstations, a 46'' plasma TV and a multifunctional network printer.