English » 70030 BA Dissertation

70030 BA Dissertation


Graduation from the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Foreign Asian Studies requires authoring and submitting a BA Dissertation.

This dissertation can be: a translation into Greek of a text originally written in modern Turkish or in Ottoman Turkish, or a glossary, including comments and an introduction, or a theoretical elaboration in one of the fields of scientific focus of the Faculty (e.g. Literature, Language teaching, History, Politics, Society and Economy).

The dissertation is supervised by two members of the Faculty, appointed by its governing board (the Assembly) of the Faculty, following a proposal by the graduating student. The length of the dissertation should be at least 100 pages, in the case of a commented translation (40 pages original + 40 pages translation + 20 pages comments and introduction), 80 pages, in the case of a glossary, or 60 pages in the case of a theoretical elaboration.

The BA dissertation is presented (defended) in public, following a relevant announcement by the Secretariat of the Faculty. All other details pertaining to BA dissertations are specified in the Regulation on BA dissertations of the Faculty (in Greek).