English » 70024 International Relations of Turkey II: Turkey and the EU - Greek-Turkish issues

70024 International Relations of Turkey II: Turkey and the EU - Greek-Turkish issues


Anthony Deriziotis



3 hours per week

Course Objectives

There have been significant changes in Turkish foreign policy, for the better part of the last decade. This course aims at introducing students to the historical framework of Turkey's efforts to become a member of the E.U. and the interaction between the Greek-Turkish issues and Turkey's European accession. In order to reach these targets, the students will be approaching the course through the study of Turkey's European accession policies and the factors that have influenced it, and also through an analysis of the parameters that have formed its foreign policy since 2003.

Course Structure

1. Introduction

Introduction to the European Union, its institutions and bodies, its aims and its modi operandi (1 lecture)

2. History of Turkey's European accession efforts

The aim of this subject area is to provide students with the main points of Turkey's efforts for EU membership, from the Treaty of Rome to the Helsinki Agreement and the 2005 opening of accession negotiations. The students are asked to identify the main points in the Turkey-EU relations history and to understand why the Turkish integration stills remains incomplete (3 lectures).

3. Contemporary Greek-Turkish issues

Within this subject area, students are introduced to the terms of the continental shelf, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, search and rescue operations, FIR and the air space, in order to proceed to a study of the crises between the two states, the current status, the disagreements and the international law (5 lectures).

4.The Cyprus issue

The study of the Cyprus issue from 1960-2004 (4 lectures).


Group presentation (20%), mid-term exam (30%), final written exam (50%).

Group presentations are 15-20' long and are presented on a one-per-lecture basis. Presentation subjects are provided and groups are formed by the lecturer. Further details may be provided during classes, if required.


Βερέμης, Θ., Ιστορία των ελληνοτουρκικών σχέσεων 1453-2005, (Αθήνα: Ι.Σιδέρης, 2005).

Ηρακλείδης, Α., Άσπονδοι γείτονες, (Αθήνα: Ι. Σιδέρης, 2007).

Grigoriadis, I., Trials of europeanization, Turkish political culture and the E.U., (New York: Palgrave-McMillan, 2009)

Hale, W., Turkish foreign policy, 1774-2000, (London: Frank Cass, 2000)

Özcan, Μ., Harmonizing foreign policy, Turkey, the EU and the Middle East, (London: Ashgate, 2008)