English » 70018 Turkish Language History

70018 Turkish Language History


Eleni Sella



3 hours per week

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the Turkish language, so that they are able, synchronically as well as diachronically, to identify historical, political, social and literary events with the evolution of the Turkish language. The ultimate aim is that students realise, that the history of a linguistic community, as well as its relations with neighbouring linguistic communities are charted through and by language.

More specifically, the history Turkish in Turkey should be distinguished from the history of the other Turkic languages. Furthermore, students should be able to identify the periods of the Turkish language through written  texts (literary and pragmatic). The aim is the study of the historic periods of the Turkish language of Turkey, including the reform of the Turkish language during the 20th century. Examination of the causes and effects of the linguistic reform which lead to the contemporary Turkish language. Emphasis on this strongly significant linguistic regulation for the Turkish-speaking community, similarities and differences with the “linguistic issue” of the Greek reality. Part of the history concerns the Karamanli book production. The aim is to introduce students to this type of texts and to examine the role of Karamanli in the history of Turkey.

Course Structure

1. The Turkish language as part of the (Ural-)Altaic family of languages. Common characteristics of the Altaic languages.

2. Turkish languages (common characteristics) and Turkish language of Turkey (tables, maps and texts). The runic script of Orkhon. Turkish dialects/languages.

3. Origins of the Turkish language of Turkey and historic periods of the Turkish language.

4. Brief presentation of the historic periods of evolution of the Turkish language.

5. The role of the Oghuz Turks in the history of the Turkish language of Turkey.

6. Ottoman Turkish language in pre-Ottoman Anatolia. (1st phase: 11th -13th c., 2nd phase: 13th – 15th c.). The evolution of the Turkish language and the emergence of Oghuz. The Turkish language of the Seljuk period.

7. Classic Ottoman-Turkish (16th c. - 19th c.). Its characteristics (Persian and Arab influences in vocabulary and on the morphosyntactic level).

8. Ottoman-Turkish of 19th century (Tanzimat period, press language, scholars' interventions in support of the “normalisation” of the Turkish language, stylistic “regressions”, prose, poetry, theatre, journalistic discourse).

9. Reform of the Turkish language in the 20th century. Historical and socio-political frame. Main characteristics of the linguistic reform: new script, morphological and syntactic changes.

10. “Specification” of the vocabulary from Persian and Arabic lexical, morphological and syntactic loans, ways of lexical production of the “reformed” Turkish language.

11. Turkish language reform in the 20th century. Causes and effects, benefits and losses of the great language reform. A success or a disaster?

12. Karamanli: the Turkish language with Greek alphabet, types of Karamanli texts, motivations of their production, and the Orthodox Turkish-speaking populations of Asia Minor.

13. Karamanli texts: source for the study of the “national conscience” of the Orthodox Turkish-speaking populations of Asia Minor.



Final written examination (100%) and/or optional written assignment (30% of the final grade).




Α. Basic texts

The following textbooks and course notes are proposed:


Ιορδάνογλου, Αν. 2008. Περίοδοι της Τουρκικής γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας, Θεσ/νίκη, Σταμούλης.

Μπακιρτζής, Ι. 2004. Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία της οθωμανικής και τουρκικής γλώσσας και λογοτεχνίας, Ξάνθη: Σπανίδης.

Lewis, Geoffrey. 1999. The Turkish Language Reform. A Catastrophic Success. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Akar, Ali. 2005. Türk Dili Tarihi. Istanbul: Ötüken, Neşriyat, A.C.

Ercilasun, Ahmet. 2004. Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara.: Akçağ Yayınları.

Β. Indicative bibliography

Akar, Ali. 2005. Türk Dili Tarihi. Istanbul: Ötüken, Neşriyat, A.C.

Cafaroğlu, Ahmet. 2000. Türk. Dili Tarihi. Istanbul - Bursa : Alfa Yay. (4 baskı)

Çotuksöken, Yusuf. 2005. Uygulamalı Türk Dili. İstanbul: Papatya Yayınları.

Çatıkkaş, Ata. 2001. Türk Dili Kılavuzu. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.

Demir, Nurettin & Yılmaz Emine. 2003. Türk Dili El Kitabı. Ankara.: Grafiker Yayınları

Gülensoy, Tuncer. 1998.Türkçe El Kitabi. Kıvılcım Yayınları. Kayseri.

Gencan Tahir Nejat. 2001. Dilbilgisi. Ankara.: Ayraç Yayınları.

Ercilasun, Ahmet. 2004. Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara.: Akçağ Yayınları.

Ercilasun Α. (Editor), 2007, Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri İçin Türk Lehçeleri Grameri, Akçağ Yayınları, Ankara.

Ergin, Muharrem. 1998. Türk Dilbilgisi. İstanbul: Bayrak Yayınları.

Hergirmen, Mehmet. 2002. Türkçe Dilbilgi. Ankara.: Engin yayinevi.

Koç, Nurettin. 1996. Yeni Dilbilgis. İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınları.

Korkmaz, Zeynep. 2003. Türkiye Türkçesi Grameri. Ankara.: TDK Yayınları.

Korkmaz, Zeynep & Parlatır İsmail v.d.. 2005. Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon. Ankara.: Ekin Kitabevi.

Tekin, Talat. 2003. Orhon Yazıtları. İstanbul (3 baskı).

Tekin, T. & Ölmez, M. 2003. Türk Dilleri Giriş. Istanbul (3 baskı).

Türkçe Sözlük. 1998. TDK Yayınları Ankara.


In Greek

Αλατζάς, Ι. 2002. Επιτομή της Τουρκικής Γραμματείας. Θες/νίκη: Βάνιας.

Γκοβέσης, Γ. 2007. Λογοτεχνία και Τουρκισμός κατά την ύστερη οθωμανική περίοδο- Το μυθιστόρημα του Ομέρ Σεϊφεττήν « Το Ημερολόγιο ενός Αρμένιου Νέου». Ξάνθη: Σπανίδης.

Ιορδάνογλου, Αν. 2003. Μαθαίνω Τουρκικά/ Türkçe öğreniyorum. Θες/νίκη: Σταμούλης.[Εισαγωγή]

Ιορδάνογλου, Αν. (2008). Περίοδοι της Τουρκικής γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας, Θεσ/νίκη, Σταμούλης.

Μπακιρτζής, Ι. 2004. Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία της οθωμανικής και τουρκικής γλώσσας και λογοτεχνίας, Ξάνθη: Σπανίδης.


In English

International Conference in Turkish Linguistics - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. August 16-18, 2000, Boğaziçi Üniversity. Istanbul. edited by A. Sumru Özsoy [et al.]. Istanbul : Bogaziçi Üniv. 2003.

Johanson, Lars. & Csató, Éva A. (eds.) 1998. The Turkic languages. London: Routledge.

Johanson, Lars. 1998. Turkic Languages. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier.

Johanson, Lars et al. (eds.) 1998. The Mainz Meeting. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. (Turcologica 32.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Johanson, Lars & Utas, Bo (eds.) 2000. Evidentials. Turkic, Iranian and neighbouring languages. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Johanson, Lars. 2001. Azerbaijanian. In: Garry, Jane & Rubino, Carl (eds.) Facts about the world’s major languages: An encyclopedia of the world’ major languages, past and present. New York & Dublin: The H. W. Wilson Company, New England Publishing Associates. 52-54.

Johanson, Lars . 2002. Structural factors in Turkic language contacts. [With an introduction by Bernard Comrie.] London: Curzon.

Johanson, Lars & Bulut, Christiane] (eds.). 2004. Turkic-Iranian contact areas. Historical and linguistic aspects. (Turcologica 62.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Johanson, Lars & Boeschoten, Hendrik (eds.) 2005. Turkic languages in contact. (Turcologica 61.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Johanson, Lars. 2007. The Turkic Languages. London : Routledge

Kappler, Matthias. 2002. Turkish language contacts in south-eastern Europe. Istanbul The Isis Press. Series Analecta Isisiana 61.

Lewis, Geoffrey. 1999. The Turkish Language Reform. A Catastrophic Success. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Studies on Turkish and Turkic languages : Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Lincoln College, Oxford, August 12-14, 1998 / edited by -Asli Göksel and Celia Kerslake. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2000. Series Turcologica

Vryonis Sp. 1991. The Turkish State and History, Clio meets the grey wolf, Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies.