English » 70013 B Turkish Language IV - Written Discourse Skills

70013 B Turkish Language IV - Written Discourse Skills


Giorgos Liakopoulos

University Teacher (PD 407/80)



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The aims of the course are: (a) identifying, in written discourse, the morphosyntactic phenomena that are taught in the context of the course 70013 A: Turkish Language IV - Morphology and Syntax; (b) their application in written discourse production; and (c) the adoption and usage of specialised terms and expressions, so as to develop a meaningful written discourse (achievement of communication).


Course Structure

One or more texts in Turkish are taught in each unit, with morphosyntactic annotation. The texts selected cover a wide range of topics and style variations, such as biographies, travellers' narratives, descriptive texts, poems, electronic and written articles, recipes, horoscopes, advertisements, letters, applications, announcements, etc.

The students are required to build sentences using the phenomena taught. The sentences produced are presented for evaluating their correctness and, if there are errors, these are identified, analysed and corrected (error analysis). The same procedure is followed anonymously, evaluating also selected errors taken from students' compositions. These errors are utilised also for explicating false impressions and questions about the morphosyntactic phenomena taught or about discourse constructions. Moreover, the lexicon of the new subject-matter is also developed, in combination with expressions of official/formal, everyday/jargon and proverbial discourse. During the course of the semester, students are required to present written expositions on various subjects, one of which is drafted in class.



The course progress is assessed using a combination of (a) a mid-term assignment (accounting for 20 percent of the total mark); (b) written assignments (accounting for 20 percent of the total mark) during the semester; and (c) a final examination, accounting for 80 percent of the total mark (60% written discourse comprehension exercises and 40% written discourse production exercises, e.g. a letter, an advertisement, an application and an exposition.



Akpınar, Ali, Okuma I Türkçe Okuma Kitapları. Turkish Easy Readers for Foreigners (İstanbul: Dem, 2009).

Hengirmen, Mehmet, Türkisch Aktiv 3. Türkçe Öğreniyoruz. Lehrbuch (Berlin-München-Wien-Zürich: Langenscheidt, 1992).

Kurt, Cemil, E. Nurşen Aygün, Elif Leblebici, Özden Altınkaynak Coşkun, Yeni Hitit 1. Yabancılar İçin Türkçe. Ders Kitabı (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi-TÖMER, 2009).

___, Yeni Hitit 2. Yabancılar İçin Türkçe. Ders Kitabı (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi-TÖMER, 2008).

Öztürk, Tuncay, Sezgin Akçay, Hüseyin Duru, Salih Gün, Hüseyin Bargan, Hamza Ersoy, Abdullah Yiğit, Adım Adım Türkçe 2. Yabancılar İçin. Ders Kitabı (İstanbul: Dilset, 2004).

Cumhuriyet newspaper website: www.cumhuriyet.com.tr

Hürriyet newspaper website: www.hurriyet.com.tr

Radikal newspaper website: www.radikal.com.tr