English » 70011 Ottoman History

70011 Ottoman History


Aimilia Themopoulou

Associate Professor


3 hours per week


Course Structure

The aim of the course is to study the Reforms and their impact on the main sectors of the Ottoman state.

We examine the reforms that took place during the period of the Tanzimat. Particular attention is paid to:

  • the notion of Occidentalisation and to the reforms imposed by the central government;

  • the reforms in the economy of the Ottoman state, the 1838 Treaty of Trade between Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire, the land code of 1858 and the transformation of ownership from public to private;

  • the efforts of secularization and the reforms in the system of justice and education of the Ottoman state;

  • the transformations in central and provincial administration by the creation of the institution of Belediye;

  • the reforms in the organization of the Ottoman army;

  • the reforms in the organisation of the non-Muslims in the Ottoman society by the edicts of Hatt- ı Şerif of Gülhane, the Hatt-ı Hümayun in 1856 and the transformations in the millet system;

  • the ideology of Ottomanism, Islamism/Pan-islamism in the period of Abdulhamit II, Turkism/Pan-turkism and the Turkist thinkers, Ziya Gokalp, Yusuf Akcura;

  • the Constitutions of 1876 and 1908 and the impact of the Revolution of the Young Turks;

  • the impact of the economic, administrative and social reforms in the Ottoman state and the Ottoman-European relations.


Written assignment (25%of the total grade), final written examination (75% of the total grade).




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