English » 70009 A Turkish Language III: Morphology and Syntax

70009 A Turkish Language III: Morphology and Syntax


Christina Sanlioglou

University Teacher (PD 407/80)


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge on the structure and functions of the Turkish language, and on how language is used as a social practice. Students are encouraged to understand a simple text, related to their field of interest and guess the meaning of unknown words in familiar texts, written in Turkish. They also learn to write simple texts including their personal opinions and views on a range of topics within their personal interests. During the sessions, students are involved in a number of complementary activities.


Course Structure

1. Revision of the previous year's course

2. Expressing obligation

3. Intensifying and diminutive suffixes in nouns and adjectives

4. Cardinal and distributive numbers

5. Gerunds

6. Expressing ability

7. Sentence with one-subject construction and two-subject construction

8. Clauses: main & subordinate clauses

9. Compound tenses

10. If-clauses



Mid-term test (20% of the final grade), final examination (50% morphology - 50% syntax).



Sanlioglou C.,-Dafnopatides Β., Τουρκική Γραμματική στα ελληνικά, Perugia Press, Athens 2011, Υabancı Dilim Türkçe 2, 3, 4, Dilmer Press, Istanbul

Alıştırma kitabı Temel Seviye 1-2, 3-4, Tömer, Perugia press, Athens

Alıştırma kitabı Orta Seviye 1-4, Tömer, Perugia press, Athens

Yeni Hitit 1, Tömer Press, Αnkara

Sanlioglou C., Academic notes, 2010