English » 70003 Introduction to Turkish Literature

70003 Introduction to Turkish Literature


Maria Mavropoulou



3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The course includes a general profiling of the Turkish Literature, a short presentation of its history –starting from orally transmitted literature, continuing with the first written texts of the Turkish language and reaching the modern literature –with references to the most important literary representatives, literary currents and literary schools of each period. Moreover, the course focuses on the necessary historic, social and economic conditions that affect the literary production.

Students will have the opportunity to study in depth every literary period in future courses.

Given that 3rd semester students do not have the required knowledge level of Turkish so as to analyze literary texts in depth, the aim is for students to obtain a general overview of the work of important writers through very simple texts and to be able to analyze literature within the historic, social and economic context of each period.


Course Structure

1. Short account of the historic periods of Turkey and their effect on the development of the Turkish Literature.

2. Turkish Literature before Islam. Orally transmitted literature, early written texts, early completed works.

3. Turkish Literature under the influence of Islam (11th to 19th centuries). Folk Literature (Halk Edebiyatı) and Classical Turkish Literature (Divan Edebiyatı). Characteristics, representatives and excerpts of literary varieties.

4. Turkish Literature under the influence of the European/Western Literature. 1st and 2nd period, Tanzimat, characteristics, representatives and excerpts of literary varieties.

5. National Literature, period characteristics, Ziya Gökalp, Ömer Seyefettin, Halide Edib Adivar and analysis of excerpts of their works.

6. Literature in the time of Democracy, characteristics, representatives.



Final written examination.



Teacher's notes.

Αλατζάς, Ι. 2002. Επιτομή της Τουρκικής Γραμματείας. Θεσ/νίκη: Βάνιας.

Μπακιρτζής, Ι. 2004. Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία της οθωμανικής και τουρκικής γλώσσας και λογοτεχνίας. Ξάνθη: Σπανίδης.

Korkmaz, Ramazan. 2005. Yeni Türk Edebiyatı. Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları

Banarlı, Nihat Sami. 2001. Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi I-II. İstanbul: Milli Eğitim Yayınları

For a complete list of bibliography see the Greek guide.