English » 70001 C Turkish Language I: Oral production

70001 C Turkish Language I: Oral production


Maria Rombopoulou

University teacher (PD 407/80)


3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The goal of the course is to help students develop the necessary knowledge and communicative skills in order to use the Turkish language fluently for general and academic purposes. In this course, students are encouraged to use and express themselves in simple words.

The course is built around four areas of language study: Turkish phonetics, listening comprehension, spoken interaction and vocabulary.

Turkish phonetics aims at familiarizing students with the distribution, production and perception of the Turkish sounds and the different patterns of supra-segmental features (rhythm, stress and intonation) that play a significant role in communication.

In spoken interaction, students are encouraged to talk about daily routines using a very basic vocabulary. They are also trained to provide basic personal information about themselves in oral discourse.

In listening comprehension, students are encouraged to understand questions and instructions given clearly with a simple Turkish language. The goal is also to help students understand basic words and phrases about persons and their families.

In vocabulary, students are encouraged to learn words and phrases related to:


-ordinal and cardinal numbers

-days, months and seasons



-human body

-fruits and vegetables


-personal information




-free time



During the semester, the students' progress is tested using an optional test corresponding to 20% of the final grade, if it is over the base grade, that is, 5. In the final examination, which is compulsory, students are tested in three areas of language study: vocabulary, listening comprehension and spoken production.



Teacher's notes and dialogues selected from Turkish sources, such as the Internet, radio and television programmes, newspapers and magazines.

Kurt, C., Aygün, E., Leblebici, E., Coşkun, Ö., 2008, Yeni Hitit Yabancılar İçin Ders Kitabı I, Unıversity of Ankara Press, Ankara.

Kurtulus, Ö., 2006, Elementary Turkish, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları Dizisi,Istanbul.

Σελλά-Μάζη, E., 2004, Στοιχεία Αντιπαραβολικής Γραμματικής Ελληνικής-Τουρκικής, Παπαζήση, Αθήνα.

Şenduran, E., 2006, Bu ne demek? Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Press, Istanbul.