English » 70001 Β Turkish Language I: Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills

70001 Β Turkish Language I: Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills


Evangelia Achladi

University Teacher (PD 407/80)

evach[at]turkmas.uoa[dot]gr, eachladi[at]gmail[dot]com

3 hours per week


Course Objectives

The main aim of the course is to teach the Turkish language and especially reading comprehension and writing skills in Turkish. In the framework of the lesson texts with every day vocabulary and morphosyntactic phenomena which correspond to the 'Turkish Language I: Morphology - Phonology - Syntax' course are studied, as well as texts in various topics, with a special focus on everyday dialogues and descriptive texts.


Course Structure

  1. days, months, seasons, the weather

  2. national names (countries, languages)

  3. physical description of a person (body, colors), character properties

  4. family (members of the family, relatives)

  5. description of a place (house, school, class, city)

  6. professions (names of professions, adjectives of comparisons)

  7. nutrition (names of foods, fruits, vegetables)

  8. description of a specific period of time in present, past, future (day, week, weekend)

  9. everyday activities (in the market, in the restaurant, at the doctor, at work)

  10. directions for orientation in space

  11. leisure activities, hobbies, habits,

  12. description of a trip, holidays in past time

  13. description of every day problems and proposals for their solution.



Final examination, mid-term test and weekly assignments.



Notes and exercises of the teacher and parts of the following books:

  1. Yabancı Dilim Türkçe 1, Dimler Yayınları, 1, İstanbul 2010

  2. Tömer, Yeni Hitit 1, Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara , 2008

  3. Sebüktenin Hikmet, Yabancılar için Türkçe / Turkish for foreigners 1, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1997

  4. Özsoy Sumru, Türkçe-Turkish, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1999,

  5. Öztürk T., Akçay S., Duru H., Gün S., Bargan H., Ersoy H., Yiğit A., Adım Adım Türkçe1(+2,+3,…?), Dilset Yayınları, İstanbul 2004, (www.dilset.com)